Working from Home
If you’re currently working from home (or have always wanted to) you know there are some challenges involved. At Kaeser & Blair our direct sales model is completely home-based, so we understand the pros and cons of this unique situation. Whether you’re home-based career is full-time or part-time, we’ve got the best tips and insights for successfully working from home.
Tips for Working from Home

Set up a functional workspace.
You don’t have to have a full home office, but having a designated workspace separate from the rest of your home is critical. Use that space for work only, not for other activities. This will help you get into the work mindset when working from home.

Minimize distractions.
Try as best you can to minimize distractions. Find a quiet place in your home away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. If you can’t completely block out distractions, try putting in some headphones and playing some soft music. When your working space is clear, your mind is as well.

Establish a routine.
Start and stop work on a regular schedule. Whether you’re an early bird and enjoy getting up with the sun or a night owl who finds themselves most productive in the evenings, give yourself set hours. With devices that allow for 24/7 communication, you can easily work for all hours of the day and night. When working from home, make sure that you decide and stick to a schedule.