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Making the Most of the ASI Show (After It's Over) text overlay on trade show image

Making the Most of the ASI Show

6 Tips for Making the Most of the ASI Show (After It’s Over)

Attending the ASI Show is a great way to stay up-to-date on promotional product trends, meet and network with others in the industry, and gain valuable insights from experts in the field. But what should you do when it’s over? Here are some tips to help you make the most of this important industry conference.

Follow Up with Contacts and Connections

Attending the ASI Show can be a great way to make connections and find new opportunities. Be sure to follow up with anyone you connected with while there, thank them for their time, and exchange contact information. Sometimes taking the time to show your appreciation can open more doors than you think! Make sure to nurture the relationships you established. After all, you never know what type of great leads they could turn into in the future.

Share What You Learned

Attending the ASI Show will give you great insight into the promotional products industry and could help your business expand. Taking proper notes at each session allows you to keep track of all the information you gather.

Once you’ve done that, why not go the extra mile and share what you’ve learned via social media or in a blog post on your website? This is great for prospective clients because they can gain valuable knowledge and insights into what’s currently going on in the industry. Plus, it proves that you are knowledgeable about trends, committed to innovation, and dedicated to providing excellent services.

Make Use of Resources

Attending the ASI Show is also an invaluable opportunity to discover new resources. The collective knowledge of everyone present at the show gives attendees access to a wealth of information and valuable tips from experienced professionals. Even better, many of these resources can be used long after the conference wraps up.

Did you hear about a particularly helpful website or book? Don’t hesitate to use it—it could be just what you need to stay ahead of the competition in this ever-changing industry. Attendees who take advantage of all the available resources before, during, and after will come away with a well-rounded understanding of the promotional products marketplace.

Write a Conference Summary

Taking the time to process everything you learned is essential. Writing up a summary of the event can be really helpful for everyone involved. Not only will it help you remember all of the key points discussed during the event and identify any action items that may have come up, but it will also benefit other team members who missed out on the conference. Sharing your insights and reflections with them will help ensure they’re in the know going forward.

Create A Follow-up Plan

With this wealth of knowledge right at your fingertips, there’s no reason to let all that hard work go to waste. Instead, take action and make sure you’re putting it all to good use. A great plan of attack is to create a follow-up strategy that includes measurable goals and a timeline for completing them.

This should include things like reaching out to your ASI Show contacts, implementing strategies discussed at the event, or even attending webinars on topics that were covered during the event. Don’t forget to keep an eye on this plan and adjust as needed. With such a valuable event and follow-up plan under your belt, success is right around the corner!

Implement What You Learned

Getting the most out of the first ASI Show of the year has never been more important. With competition increasing, it’s vital that your business stay ahead of the curve by implementing new strategies and ideas. Once you’ve written your plan, it’s time to put it into action!

Think about ways the ideas discussed at the conference can help boost marketing efforts, increase sales for your business, and engage clients in new ways. Leveraging the latest tactics can set your business on a path away from competitors who might be stuck in their old routines.

The ASI Show is a wealth of knowledge and is the perfect place to make contacts and learn new strategies. Use the time at the conference to build relationships, grow professionally, and—most importantly—have fun! By reflecting on what you’ve learned when it’s still fresh in your mind, following up with contacts you made at the show, writing a summary of what happened, and implementing any new observations into practice, you can fully capitalize on every minute.

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Mitch Kaeser

As the fourth generation of Kaeser & Blair, Mitch brings a wealth of industry expertise and a passion for building relationships. Known as the company's social butterfly, Mitch thrives on connecting with dealers, suppliers, and customers on a personal level. With his infectious enthusiasm and commitment to customer satisfaction, Mitch is a true asset to the promotional products industry. His ability to connect with people on a personal level and create a fun and engaging atmosphere sets him apart.