How Much Will I Earn with My Small Business
We believe our compensation package is the best in the industry. Our authorized business owners have more profit potential because of Kaeser & Blair’s order volume and our exclusive vendor pricing.

Profit-Based Earnings
Earn up to
65% of gross profits
One of the greatest benefits of the Kaeser & Blair business owner program is your ability to be in total control of your earnings. As an Authorized Kaeser & Blair business owner, you have the ability to make as little or as much as you want. It’s completely dependent upon your efforts. There are no upfront costs, no quotas and no minimums. You are in total control.
You’ll earn a profit on each and every sale you make. Earnings are calculated on an industry standard 50/50 split of the gross profit generated on each order, plus Kaeser & Blair advances all earnings payments on factory ready orders that are prepaid or have established credit. Earnings are typically paid within 24-48 hours of an order being submitted to Kaeser & Blair.
Business owners with an annual sales volume in excess of $50,000, become eligible for Kaeser & Blair’s Accelerated Profits Program which provides them the opportunity to earn up to 65% of the gross profit generated on sales.
Earnings are paid daily via direct deposit or weekly on Wednesdays via check. No one in the industry pays faster than Kaeser & Blair.