Training & Professional Development
We’re aggressive when it comes to training, professional development, and thought leadership. We know that the more prepared our business owners are, the better they can serve their customers. Our training and professional development options are extensive.
Thought Leadership
The Kaeser & Blair executive team sends weekly emails of shared ideas, suggestions, and success stories. Our team also publishes thought leadership papers, blog posts, emails and industry insight on trends and topics that are relevant and important. We partner with industry-leading educator David Blaise of Top Secrets.
These valuable resources are available to all Kaeser & Blair business owners and the complete archive is available through Kaeser Central.

Kaeser Central
Kaeser Central is our business owner extranet and an extension of our Business Owner Service Department. In addition to up-to-date information on your business, Kaeser Central contains a wealth of information and insight to help you run your business better. The Business Owner Resources section is packed with professional development resources and videos on planning and running your business, customer service, sales and presentations, and more.

Kaeser University
This online training portal is available 24/7 and contains more than 60 presentations and courses covering topics like getting started, business owner success, customer acquisition, and social media. All of the courses are industry specific and hosted by award winning industry recognized leader David Blaise. Kaeser University is designed to help business owners succeed, increase sales, improve margins, and grow their businesses.
Once you order your business owner package, you will gain immediate access to Kaeser University and can log in here
Amplify Webinars
These virtual events are the highlight of our sales team resources and your opportunity to see new and emerging products, meet with manufacturers and suppliers, and trade tips and tactics with other Kaeser & Blair business owners. Several key note presentations and educational sessions are held to offer valuable insight and benefit.