Sales and Marketing Tips

Whether you’ve just started your sales career or have been at it for years, learning ways to be successful at it are always helpful. When done correctly, sales and marketing can make all the difference for your business. Not a salesperson at heart? Fear not! You can teach yourself what to do and best practices to follow. Learn how to make the most of your sales career with these sales and marketing tips.

Tips for Improving Your Sales and Marketing

Sell the benefit, not features.

Don’t zoom right into why your products or services are better than the competition. Instead, focus your sales message on how they can make your customer’s life better. Leave comparison (why your prices and/or quality is better) to the marketing side of things. Successful selling is about taking a client-first approach. During sales meetings, the features can be highlighted but the benefits should shine.

Be a good listener.

You may be an expert on your product or service, but your customers are experts in their own businesses. They know their customers best. While you may have an idea of what products would be ideal, take some time to really listen. Try to think like their target audience and do a little research. Come up with product recommendations based on your findings.

Think outside the box.

The internet is an unlimited resource for marketing your business. There’s social media and websites, of course. But explore other opportunities such as influencers, guest blogging or podcasting, online video marketing, crowdsourcing, thought leadership, loyalty programs, brand partnerships, and much more!

Sales and Marketing Tips Articles

Turning Promotional Products into a Full-Time Career

In today’s dynamic business landscape, entrepreneurs are constantly seeking new avenues for success. If you’ve ever considered turning your passion for marketing and sales into a full-time career, the promotional products industry might just be your golden ticket. At Kaeser & Blair, we’re not just offering a job—we’re offering a

Elevate Your Promo Game: The Kaeser & Blair Difference in Promotional Products

At Kaeser & Blair, we understand that success in the promotional products industry isn’t just about what you sell—it’s about who you partner with. As a leading distributor with decades of experience, we’ve helped countless sellers take their businesses to new heights. Let’s explore why choosing the right distributor partner

Are You Stuck in Promo Product Purgatory? Escape to Success with Kaeser & Blair!

Let’s face it, the promotional product industry can feel like a grind sometimes. You’re hustling to find clients, chasing down quotes, and battling for every sale. Meanwhile, the back-office tasks pile up, and you dream of actually having time to focus on what you love – building relationships and growing

The Power of Proactive Planning

Maximize Success with Promotional Products We get it. You hear us say “be proactive” all the time. Plan ahead, uncover hidden promotional opportunities, and encourage early ordering from your clients. But here’s the thing: it’s that crucial! Why? Because exceeding client expectations requires time. Time to get creative, source the

Beyond Stuff, We Sell Solutions

Forget the T-Shirt Trap: How to Sell Solutions, Not Stuff In the promotional product industry, a familiar scene unfolds. Salespeople bombard customers with catalogs overflowing with mugs, pens, bags, and the “latest and greatest stuff.” They push features and novelty, hoping something will stick. But at Kaeser & Blair, we

The Power of Referral Marketing for Your Promotional Products Business

Amplify Your Business Growth with Referral Marketing: A Guide for Promotional Products Companies Word-of-mouth marketing and customer referrals can be game changers for small businesses, including those in the promotional products industry. As discussed in our previous blog post, “How to Set Up a Referral Program: 7 Tips for Small

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How to Build Your Online Presence

How to Build Your Online Presence in 6 Steps Developing your online presence takes time and effort, but those who persevere and approach it with patience are rewarded with results. Use these ideas to learn how to build your online presence. Start communicating and connecting with your clients and potential

Social Media Mistakes to Avoid as a Business Owner

So, you want to be active on social media and engage with current and potential clients? Great! Social media is a great place to establish yourself as an industry expert and gain a leg up on the competition. However, there are a few mistakes that business owners often make that

Using YouTube in Promotional Products Marketing

YouTube is a free video sharing platform where users can watch, like, share, comment, and upload their own videos. Not only can users search for videos, but they can create their own channels and subscribe to other YouTube channels. Many vendors of promotional products are creating interesting, short videos showcasing

Selling Promotional Products Articles

How to Self-promote Your Business

Creative Ways to Self-promote Your Own Business with Promotional Products Selling promotional products is a competitive career, but taking thoughtful, creative, and proactive steps to stand out is definitely worth the work. Take the time to understand the industry, keep up with the trends, know your clients well, be aware

How to Sell Promotional Products During a Tough Economy

How to Sell Promotional Products During a Tough Economy (4 Tips) During an economic slump, many challenges affect the sales industry, especially those who sell promotional products. What’s the secret to remaining successful? Two abilities: resiliency and adaptation. When times get tough, it’s easy to blame the bad economy for

How to Use Promotional Products Effectively

How to Use Promotional Products Effectively (9 Tips to Share with Clients) Your clients know they need promotional products as part of their business. But do they know how to best use them? Here are nine tips to share with your clients for how to use promotional products effectively. 1.

Put these sales and marketing tips to work today