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planning promotional campaigns

Planning Promotional Campaigns

Mardi Gras, March Madness, St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s/Father’s Day. No matter where you reside, there are yearly events that create opportunities to assist with promotional campaigns. Set aside time on a regular basis to plan ahead and start conversations with decision makers who can benefit from your ideas and suggestions that will make their brand stand out among their competition.

Prepare ideas in advance that will go along with a particular theme for a particular brand and then approach your decision-making contacts. Ask them what their current plans are, what they have done in the past, and ask them if they would like to know your ideas on how to support their efforts, or even suggest a brand-new promotional campaign.

Tips for Planning Promotional Campaigns

To begin, take the time to investigate a timeline of events (holidays, local events, etc.) and place your top picks in a calendar. Then, think of local businesses that could benefit from a promotional campaign centered around those events. Come up with promotional items and plans that will support each of those events.

Know your area and what is significant in the upcoming year when making your plans. For example, the Midwest is currently experiencing the 17-year cicada invasion. This is a large event that impacts hundreds of thousands of people. Lawn care services will be targeting homeowners with campaigns to care for their landscaping. Through pens, magnets, t-shirts, and more, they could increase their sales by tying their promotions in with this impactful event.

There are the obvious events with obvious promotional items that a dealer should be ready to sell. These include large disposable paper fans with sponsors on one side and the American Flag on the other for Independence Day events, or local high school football schedules with a sponsor’s name displayed.

Take the time to come up with the plans for events that are less notable, such as preparing for summer camps; there are a plethora of them, and they all need a branded item (or many). Be the dealer that helps decision makers, and they will support you in the future.

Be sure you assist your client with the timing and forward-thinking planning. Show them that you have the best customer service offered and you will gain their trust with a successful promotional item campaign. Kaeser & Blair can help you become a successful promotional products distributor!